RelFS - Relational Filesystem

Vincenzo aka Nick Name
Dom 8 Ago 2004 18:23:18 CEST

La storia: ho un nuovo progetto e, visto che si va avanti bene, ma il free
software vive della collaborazione fra sviluppatori,  mi sento pronto per
una "call for developers" ufficiale. 

Il progetto consiste in un filesystem che oltre a salvare i file su disco,
li indicizza e mette i dati in un database relazionale. La cosa si può fare
grazie a fuse ( e il prototipo già
esistente dimostra che si può anche fare alla svelta. Segue l'annuncio
ufficiale, in inglese, ma il progetto per ora ha il 100% di sviluppatori
italiani (1 su 1).

Ciao a tutti


RelFS - Relational Filesystem 

* project description:

  RelFS is a linux userspace "shadow" (file data remains on disk)
  relational filesystem using fuse and an SQL database to store
  metadata. Directories can represent queries, and powerful features
  (e.g. bayesian classification) are added through plugins.

We already have a working prototype available, and are in active
development state.

The website for development and releases is

while the homepage, where you can find the FAQs is at

At the moment we don't have user releases, since we are in an early
stage of development. We are looking for developers and ideas on how to
use the beast. You can subscribe to the mailing list that you will find
on the project page. Be sure to read the FAQ at

that include motivation, goals and differences with existing
projects. And, quoting from the FAQ:

# This is a very ambitious project, you won't even get to beta!

I would like to use an incremental approach, in wich we first stabilize
over a small goal, then improve the performance of the program, then we
start working on another goal. The first goal, for example, is to obtain
a working indexing filesystem with an easy to use plugin
architecture. We are already close to that. See TODO.txt, section

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