[ArcheOS] Wine for ArcheOS

Nicola Schiavottiello paganick@yahoo.com
Thu Jul 14 18:42:36 CEST 2011

Ok Basically

the page where I downloaded wine is this one:


and therefore this one


It looks quite complicate as one has to do quite a lot of manual packages install.

The other issue was that they only provide with Wine 1.3.2....

while I think I needed  1.2.... in order to run some applications(for some reasons) 

In any case I did some upgrading and downgrading without any success and
 I was not able to run Biosphere and other simple application such as 
explorer, it just freezes after starting the application.

If you have a good repository for wine in order to install it with the dowload 
manger let me know but first let me know if you succed to run 

I will compile a list of other interesting windows open source programs

Ok thanks again


--- On Thu, 14/7/11, luca <luca.bezzi@arc-team.com> wrote:

From: luca <luca.bezzi@arc-team.com>
Subject: Re: [ArcheOS] Wine for ArcheOS
To: archeos-dev@lists.linux.it
Cc: "ArcheOS ML" <archeos@lists.linux.it>
Date: Thursday, 14 July, 2011, 17:25


Ciao Nicola,

don't worry, i am also on the field.

Thank you for the link to Biosphere3d, i did not know this software and
look very interesting; i will see if there is the possibility to run it
under other OS, as it is written in the wiki page : "Source code is OS
portable (Source code to work with many OS platforms) but currently,
only Windows x86 and x64 is supported. The source code is hosted at
Zuse Institute Berlin. Read-only access is available for everyone.
Write access is granted on request."

Were you able to run Biosphere3D under WINE? Anyway i have WINE
installed in my ArcheOS. I don't remember if i compiled it, but i guess
i simply installed it from synaptic (i checked now and i can find it
inside). Maybe if you don't find it in Synaptic it is because you have
to add some more repositories. Can you check? In case you don't find
it, i can send you the specifications of my repositories...

Can you also send us some other indications about the open source
software for Windows that could be interesting for ArcheOS? 

Thanks a lot,


On 14/07/11 13:53, Nicola Schiavottiello wrote:

        Sorry for the late reply I was in fieldwork


This is one for example 


However there are many more...

would not really like to virtualize as it gets quite slow.

Wine works well in other Linux deployments. I think it would be a good
idea to include it directly into ArchOS as it is not so simple to
install it separately(at least I did not succed)


OK keep up the good work!

Thanks a lot 





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