SfM paper

Domenico Giusti dncgst@gnewarchaeology.it
Wed Apr 16 23:06:01 CEST 2014

Hi all,
just to share...


This paper addresses the use of open source, structure from motion
methods for creating 3d pointclouds from photographs and compares these
with alternative workflows in other software, and relative accuracy
compared to other 3D modelling methods. It describes a series of case
studies that use structure from motion to record standing buildings and
create digital elevation models. Looking at other recording techniques
it finds that structure from motion can produce better results than
traditional techniques such as plan drawing, topographic survey and
photogrammetry, and is cheaper and more accessible than new techniques
such as laser scanning and LiDAR, although it is less accurate in some
regards. It demonstrates that good accuracy can be achieved if careful
measurements are made, and concludes that it has great potential for
widespread archaeological application


Domenico Giusti <dncgst@gnewarchaeology.it>
GPG keyID: 2048R/A3AB7054F6E5D778

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