
Fabrizio Furnari
Thu Dec 4 14:17:54 CET 2014

Hi Nic, just some thoughts from the "technical" perspective:
The project is very interesting but I don't believe that could be easily
included into ArcheOS as needs various components (a webserver, a DB, a DB
schema, application, framework, and so on...) should be packaged and tuned
for ArcheOS.
Also, I didn't find any indication on the license of this project, but I
admit that I didn't search it very well. As far as I've seen the source
code must be requested.

About the benefit of this application for the ArcheOS user, I prefer to
leave this in the hands of who knows it better... :-)


On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 1:27 PM, <
> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I know this is not probably aimed for ArcheOS users and
> maybe is strictly for cultural heritage applications, but I
> would like to ask if you have considered to include it into
> ArcheOS.
> If not, how difficult would be to install it, does ArcheOS
> already includes all this components? how do I set a
> webserver in ArcheOS?
> Many Thanks
> Nicola
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