I'd like to inaugurate this new ML starting with a simple consideration on how to manage the packages on the new version of ArcheOS; let me know if I'm saying something wrong or if you don't agree:<br><ul><li>For packages available in the standard Debian repositories (eg. R, GPSDrive) we must decide a "freezing" date. After that, as in many other distros, the package must be updated only in case of bugs and security alerts. <br>
</li><li>For package not available in repositories, either debs or source code packages, the freezing date can be a little more delayed, due to the large number of packages distributed in this way and the time spent on each package to build the deb on it.</li>
<li>After the "freezing date" a wiki page with the list of all the packages installed (either via apt-get or via other sources) must be kept clean from alteration.<br></li><li>After the freezing date the "packages" folder in the GIT repos must not be updated/modified</li>
</ul>What do you think about?<br><br>-- <br>@P=split//,".URRUU\c8R";@d=split//,"\niranruF oizirbaF";sub p{<br>@p{"r$p","u$p"}=(P,P);pipe"r$p","u$p";++$p;($q*=2)+=$f=!fork;map{$P=$P[$f^ord<br>
($p{$_})&6];$p{$_}=/ ^$P/ix?$P:close$_}keys%p}p;p;p;p;p;map{$p{$_}=~/^[P.]/&&<br>close$_}%p;wait until$?;map{/^r/&&<$_>}%p;$_=$d[$q];sleep rand(2)if/\S/;print<br><br>