Hi<br>I would like suggest another software for ArcheOS: pgdesigner (debian package exists: <a href="http://packages.debian.org/squeeze/database/pgdesigner">http://packages.debian.org/squeeze/database/pgdesigner</a>)<br>We have postgresql, postgis, phppgadmin, but we don't have a software for modelling a pgsql database, for planning tables, relations, views, etc. I know and use pgdesigner and i think it is quite good: in this way we have a complete "postgres suite" (postgresql, postgis, phppgadmin and pgdesigner). I don't know other db designers already packaged for debian: it would be great if we had a db desinger software for postgres and for sqlite too.<br>
Does anybody (for example Beppe) have some suggestions.<br>Bye<br><br>Denis<br>