[barcode] Using barcode library in glabels

Jim Evins evins@snaught.com
Wed, 26 Sep 2001 23:10:50 -0400 (EDT)


I am the author of glabels, a GNOME program to create labels and
business cards.  I just wanted to let you know that I am using the
barcode-0.96 library in this program.

I needed to render barcodes both to a gnome-canvas and to gnome-print.
I had also already written code to produce POSTNET barcodes, which are
encoded by line height rather than line width.  So I used your barcode
library as an additional back-end to my own barcode module for the
remaining barcode styles.  In my module I represent the barcode with
the following structure

	typedef struct {
	  gdouble width, height;
	  GList *lines;  /* List of GLabelsBCLine */
	  GList *chars;  /* List of GLabelsBCChar */
	} GLabelsBC;

where, lines and chars are linked lists of the following structures

	typedef struct {
	  gdouble x, y, length, width;
	} GLabelsBCLine;

	typedef struct {
	  gdouble x, y, fsize;
	  gchar c;
	} GLabelsBCChar;

I simply wrote a rendering function based on your ps.c to output this
structure.  My POSTNET code also produces this same format.  Once in
this format it was very straight-forward to render to either the
gnome-canvas or to gnome-print.

Please have a look:



Jim Evins       email:  evins@snaught.com
                web:    http://snaught.com/JimsWeb/