[bglug] Cellulare samsung sgh-l760

Mc mc@bglug.it
Gio 5 Feb 2009 11:27:06 CET

Alle Thursday 05 February 2009, Joe Galaxy ha scritto:
> Te lo vede come modem?


	Leslie West heads for the sticks, to Providence, Rhode Island and
tries to hide behind a beard.  No good.  There are still too many people
and too many stares, always taunting, always smirking.  He moves to the
outskirts of town. He finds a place to live -- huge mansion, dirt cheap,
caretaker included.  He plugs in his guitar and plays as loud as he wants,
day and night, and there's no one to laugh or boo or even look bored.
	Nobody's cut the grass in months.  What's happened to that caretaker?
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