[FaSoLi] Fwd: ries.debian.org AKA ftp-master.debian.org - hardware problems

Marco Bertorello marco@bertorello.ns0.it
Ven 9 Nov 2007 16:51:29 CET

FYI, se qualcuno riscontrasse problemi...

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: ries.debian.org AKA ftp-master.debian.org - hardware problems
Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2007 16:41:47 +0100
From: Gerfried Fuchs <rhonda@debian.at>
To: debian-infrastructure-announce@lists.debian.org

This is a foward of a mail from debian-devel-announce which didn't make
it to this list due to a timing issue (aka list creation after mail) for
the sake of completeness, no additional informations are available yet.



you may have noticed that around yesterday evening (UTC) ries.debian.org
AKA ftp-master.debian.org has problems. The exact cause and possible
solutions for this are currently investigated by the admins, a first
problem guess is "troubles with the harddiscs".

ries.debian.org hosts ftp-master, the main copy of the Debian
archive. This means that currently no uploads into the archive happen,
the testing migration does not run and no mirror push gets send out.

Please be patient, more information will follow when more information is

bye Joerg
Marco Bertorello
System Administrator
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