[Flug] Nas casalingo

Patrick Kuna Patrick.Kuna@gmx.net
Lun 12 Ago 2013 10:35:12 CEST

Ciao tutti,

scusata, io solo parlo inglse e piccolo italano :(

Debian 7 is a good way togehter with Samba, all you need is an old 
PC/Notebook - if you have.
I have an old ThinkPad R50e with two USB Storge Drives (250GB and 160GB) 
as Fileserver in operating. The ThinkPad self only consume 10 till 12 
Watt and has an old battery as USV - so it can works autonomous 2 or 3 


Am 10.08.2013 20:10, schrieb Leandro Noferini:
> Ciao a tutti,
> vorrei sistemarmi un computer per farci un nas casalingo, usando (che
> altrimenti?) debian.
> Avete consigli su hardware, software che altro?
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