[Flug] Fwd: [EINS-general] [EINS Expanded] CfP: interdisciplinary workshop on DIY networking

Franco Bagnoli franco.bagnoli@gmail.com
Gio 22 Gen 2015 10:20:26 CET


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Panayotis Antoniadis <panayotis.antoniadis@tik.ee.ethz.ch>
Date: 2015-01-21 16:41 GMT+01:00
Subject: [EINS-general] [EINS Expanded] CfP: interdisciplinary workshop on
DIY networking
To: everyone-expanded@internet-science.eu

Dear all,

I am very happy to invite you to submit papers, posters, or demos for the
interdisciplinary workshop on the concept of DIY networking that we are
together with Jon Crowcroft and Jörg Ott in Florence, May 18-22nd, with two
great keynote speakers: Paul Dourish (http://www.dourish.com) and Michael

The workshop will be co-located with Mobisys 2015 (thanks to Andrea
for making this happen) and is a first of a series of such workshops to be
every year in a different venue, as agreed during our very successful
seminar on the same topic: http://www.dagstuhl.de/14042.

The workshop will include a special interdisciplinary session, for which we
the presentation of working prototypes of mature DIY networking frameworks,
novel application ideas by designers and social scientists, and short
tutorials on
important concepts such as power, privacy, self-organization, space, and
in light of the application of such technology in urban settings.

See more details and call for papers here: http://diynetworking.net/

But notice that the deadline is coming soon: February 28th!

Looking forward to your submissions!

Panayotis Antoniadis


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Franco Bagnoli <franco.bagnoli@unifi.it> or <franco.bagnoli@complexworld.net
Dip. Fisica e Astronomia & CSDC
Universita' di Firenze, via G. Sansone 1, I-50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Italy.
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 +39 0554796592 (ing stanza 288); Cell: +39 3386586493; fax: +39 0554574914
http://francobagnoli.complexworld.net Caffe'-Scienza:
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