[FoLUG]Re: debian woody

folug@lists.linux.it folug@lists.linux.it
Fri, 28 Jun 2002 10:56:17 +0000

> Da: "Fabio C."  
> Ciao, nell'ultimo messaggio dicevi:
> > more than 7608 miles (12,272 km) of network in 13 seconds. The 
> > rate of 401 megabits per second 

> ... non ho capito chi e' stato a fare questa prova.
> Chi e' che e' attaccato alla dorsale con una connessione cosi'?

The record-setting team consisted of the University of Alaska at Fairbanks; the Faculty of Science of the University of Amsterdam and SURFnet, the national computer network for higher education and research in the Netherlands. On both ends standard PC-like hardware running Debian GNU/Linux was used. 

piu' chiaro ora?


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