[Golem] Qualcosa da "studiare" per il LinuxDay

Hal hal@linux.it
Gio 28 Ago 2008 08:34:26 CEST


...Pare ganzo.
(a parte che adesso è oscurato dagli oscurantisti)


"Music search engines are getting more simple, as are mixtape creation
tools. We went from an overabundance of music social sites to an
avalanche of simplified music search engines all aimed at offering
instant gratification for our music needs. Online mixtapes kind of do
the same thing, in their efforts of providing a service that lets us
customize our playlists and share them across our favorite social
networks, or even gift them to friends."

"Opentape is a free, open-source package that lets you make and host
your own mixtapes on the web.
Upload songs (via web or FTP), reorder, rename, customize the style, and
share what you like on other sites with an embeddable player."

Opentape Demo! (Resets every 15 minutes, admin password "test", link on
the bottom)

Downloads by artist including: audio, video, bios, admats, press scans,
press ready band photos and album art.

Hal  :o)                      [ GnuPGKeyID: 19C156F3 ]

GOLEM - Gruppo Operativo Linux Empoli   http://golem.linux.it

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