[ld-idee] "linux day" ad aprile

Hauke Laging hauke.laging@linux-presentation-day.de
Sab 5 Dic 2015 20:05:46 CET


Am Sa 05.12.2015, 19:30:59 schrieb Roberto Guido:

> La differenza meno evidente, che emerge appunto parlando con
> l'organizzazione, e' il loro approccio agli eventi locali: i piu' non
> usano fare "conferenze" come noi, con talks e relatori e slides ed
> altre cose tanto complicate e che richiedono un certo impegno per
> essere organizzate, bensi' ciascun gruppo predispone uno o piu'
> banchetti in luoghi pubblici e di passaggio come piazze, strade,
> centri commerciali e simili presso cui distribuire materiale
> informativo, far toccare con mano Linux su qualche PC, e promuovere
> le altre attivita' nel corso dell'anno (il corso, lo sportello
> d'assistenza, le serate di discussione e tutte le altre cose che
> conoscete meglio di me).

Google translates this to:

The difference less obvious, emerging just talking with
the organization, and 'their approach to local events: the most' not
They use to "conferences" like us, with talks and speakers and slides 
and other things so complicated and require some effort to be
organized, but rather 'each group prepares one or more' banquet
public places and passage as squares, streets, shopping centers and
similar at which distribute literature, make tangible
hand Linux on some PCs, and promote other activities' during
year [...]

There seems to be a misunderstanding about our locations. In one city 
the event took place on the street and for LPD 2016.1 at least one 
shopping center will be involved but by far the most organizers have 
used the room they usually use for their own event. This reduces the 
effort by a lot but obviously limits the number of possible visitors.

Of course, our situation is quite different from yours. We do not have a 
problem with too many visitors yet (the 72 cities had 1500 visitors 
combined at the first event).

The general idea is that it should be easier (and cheaper) to

a) have five locations instead of one in a city

compared to

b) have one location five times the size.

Allowing small organizations to participate should lead to more helpers 
and more support capacity after the event. We include Linux User Groups, 
hacker spaces, companies, adult education centers, universities and 
schools. Furthermore it seems to me that small events make it easier for 
the hosting organization to gain new members from both the visitors and 

I do not know enough about your event to give good advice but it seems 
to me that it is not necessary to make big changes: You could try our 
event type in cities which would not participate in your regular Linux 
Day 2016. Furthermore you could try additional locations of our kind in 
big cities which partitipate with an event typical for yours. That would 
allow you to get a useful impression of our alternative approach without 
having to make big changes to your concept. On the other hand: If some 
of your organizers are interested in participating in April then our 
approach is probably the only one they can manage in the remaining time.

It may be useful to use the name Linux Presentation Day for the April 
event if the kind of event is different from what visitors and your media 
are used to from the Linux Day. Maybe for a few years you will have two 
different events per year: The Linux Presentation Day in spring and the 
Linux Day in October before you decide to make big (and "dangerous") 
changes to your well-established Linux Day.


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