[LTP] [PATCH] syscalls/fcntl34: use struct flock64 on 32bit

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Mon Jun 13 16:22:10 CEST 2016

> On x86, compiled as 32bit:
> fcntl34.c:113: INFO: write to a file inside threads with OFD locks
> fcntl34.c:47: INFO: spawning '3' threads
> fcntl34.c:56: INFO: waiting for '3' threads
> fcntl34.c:88: BROK: fcntl() failed: EINVAL
> This is because glibc translates fcntl() to sys_fcntl64,
> [pid 19656] fcntl64(4, F_OFD_SETLKW, {l_type=F_WRLCK, l_whence=SEEK_SET,
> l_start=4294967296, l_len=-695062700769673216}) = -1 EINVAL
> (Invalid argument)
> as advised by the kernel,
> 	/* 32-bit arches must use fcntl64() */
> 	case F_OFD_SETLK:
> 	case F_OFD_SETLKW:
> but the struct passed uses 32bit values,
> struct flock lck = {
> 	.l_whence = SEEK_SET,
> 	.l_start = 0,
> 	.l_len = 1,
> };
> which are read as 64bit by the kernel,
> int fcntl_setlk64(unsigned int fd, struct file *filp, unsigned int cmd,
> struct flock64 __user *l)
> causing the garbage in upper 32bit of at least l_start and l_len to be
> treated as offsets, resulting in EINVAL.
> This patch makes the test use struct flock64 when _FILE_OFFSET_BITS
> is unset.

Since both manual and glibc examples use struct flock with OFD locks in
examples and if I compile glibc example for OFD locks[1] on 32bit system
garbage is passed to kernel syscalls and the program hangs, so I would
call this glibc/kernel bug.

I would expect glibc to convert the flock structure to 64 bit one
silently in this case.

[1] manual/examples/ofdlocks.c

Cyril Hrubis

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