[LTP] [PATCH] syscalls/getpriority01: exclude default priority check for PRIO_USER.

Guangwen Feng fenggw-fnst@cn.fujitsu.com
Thu Nov 24 08:02:29 CET 2016


On 11/23/2016 11:04 PM, Cyril Hrubis wrote:
> Hi!
>>>> It happens on Fedora20, RHEL5.11GA, RHEL6.8GA, RNEL7.3GA, testing returns
>>>> -20 and -11 for PRIO_USER as root and nobody respectively.
>>> Hmm, are you sure that this is not a bug? Since -20 is the highest
>>> priority for a process, it does not make much sense to run all root
>>> processes like that.
>> Yes, not all root processes are -20 on my system, but sorry, I am afraid
>> it's not a bug, because man page says that the getpriority() call returns
>> the highest priority (lowest numerical value) enjoyed by any of the
>> specified processes, so if only there is one process is -20, the getpriority()
>> will return -20.
> Ah, my bad, sure we can't really say if there is a process that belongs
> to the same user with priority lower than 0.
> So what about we define a range in which the return value should be and
> set it to 0 .. 0 for PRIO_PROCESS and PRIO_PGRP and to -20 .. 0 for

Sounds good, I will rewrite the patch, thanks.

Best Regards,
Guangwen Feng

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