[LTP] [PATCH] Remove unneeded time() declaration.

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Wed Mar 1 13:46:20 CET 2017

> The 'extern long time()' declaration conflicts with time.h which
> declares time() to be of type time_t which may or may not be long.
> This declaration causes a build failure on x86_64 if the file is
> compiled with the -mx32 flag.  The time() function does not appear
> to be used anywhere in fcntl14 so I am not sure why the declaration
> is there anyway.

This is obviously correct, but the patch misses the Signed-of-by: line.

Also usually the first line of the patch describes what testcase it
fixes so it should have been something like:

syscalls/fcntl14: Remove unneeded time() declaration.

Can you please resend with fixed commit description?

Cyril Hrubis

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