[LTP] Correlation between test cases and .c files

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Thu Mar 30 15:22:39 CEST 2017

> I`m a PhD student interested in run some studies with the different LTP
> releases. I would like to know how can I correlate tests cases with .c file
> that contain the test case ?
> All test cases listed in runtest/ directory. each file in side it contains
> the list of test.

The runtest file syntax is simple:

* Start of the line until first whitespace is test id
  the rest of the line is command line to be executed

* Every line starting with # is comment

> For example:  ltp-20011206 the file crashme in the runtest/ directory
> contains
> # Before running these: BACKUP YOUR SYSTEM!  you've been warned!
> f00f f00f
> # This is a simple test for handling of the pentium f00f bug.
> # It is an example of a catistrophic test case.  If the system
> # doesn't correctly handle this test, it will likely lockup.
> crash01 crash01
> # Generate random code and execute it. Read f00f comment,
> # this test lockup SunOS,WindowsNT,etc. in seconds..
> crash02 crash02
> # Generate random syscalls and execute them, less probability
> # to hose your system, but still.
> mem01 mem01 -r
> # Memory eater. Loves to be run in parallel with other programs.
> # May panic on buggy systems if the OOM killer was not fast enough :-)
> proc01 proc01
> # Read every file in /proc. Not likely to crash, but does enough
> # to disturb the kernel. A good kernel latency killer too.
> Where the relations between f001 test case and the respective test file
> (code) is established ? I need to inspect the code for each test case and
> get some metrics.

All test binaries are installed into a single directory. To get the test
source you need to locate the executable name in the command line part
of the corresponding line, then do something as find -name foo* in the
LTP source tree. You will likely end up either with C source or a shell

Cyril Hrubis

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