[LTP] [PATCH 2/3] API/cgroup: Shorten cgroup to cg in most symbols

Richard Palethorpe rpalethorpe@suse.de
Thu Feb 10 08:32:27 CET 2022

Hello Li,

Li Wang <liwang@redhat.com> writes:

> On Tue, Feb 8, 2022 at 10:04 PM Richard Palethorpe via ltp <ltp@lists.linux.it> wrote:
>  With the current naming it is common to have 'group' repeated 3 or
>  even 4 times in one line. This causes a number of readability
>  problems. Renaming it to cg reduces the amount of repetition.
>  The one place it is not renamed is in tst_test because it won't cause
>  repetition there. Meanwhile it is easier to search the internet for
>  'linux cgroup' than 'linux cg'.
>  Li Wang suggested renaming tst_cg to tst_cg_test because it is
>  consistent with tst_cg_drain. However I think tst_cg is used so often
>  that it is more important to have shorter lines.
> To be honest, I only wanted that tst_cg_test pointer :).

I understand, but I saw that a lot of lines had become too long with
other changes. It's starting to get difficult to manage.

> But I have no objection to renaming 'tst_cgroup_*' to 'tst_cg_*'
> for the whole APIs. (Though I don't like it)
> Let's hear more voices from peers.


Thank you,

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