[LTP] [PATCH v9 1/2] Rewrite aio-stress test using LTP API

Richard Palethorpe rpalethorpe@suse.de
Mon Nov 28 11:39:22 CET 2022


Andrea Cervesato via ltp <ltp@lists.linux.it> writes:

> +	int maxaio;
> +	int stages_i;
> +
> +	page_size_mask = tst_dev_block_size(".");

Did you change the meaning of page_size_mask, but did not rename the

Also what happens if we are running on tmpfs? I don't think there is
blocksize in such a case. The page size is probably the closest thing
there is.

Setting to changes requested because the test fails with TBROK when /tmp
is on tmpfs. Previously this probably worked, but tst_dev_block_size has
been changed since.

Possibly we need a version of tst_dev_block_size which does not break,
but returns zero when it can't get a block size. In this case it is safe
to substitute the page size, but that is not always true. Another is
just to always use page size. Block size can be left for another day.

Thank you,

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