[LTP] [PATCH] hugeshmctl02: Skipped EFAULT tests for libc variant

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Mon Jun 26 11:23:27 CEST 2023

> You pointed the segment fault only exists on 32bit when use
> libc wrapper, but this condition skips for both 64and32 bits,
> isn't it?
> I guess the strict condition should be as below?
>     if (tcases[i].error == EFAULT && tv->shmctl == libc_shmctl &&
> tst_kernel_bits() == 32) {
>     ...
>     }

Actually I think that it may be safer to skip libc version regardless,
as long as we have the raw syscall test in place we are not getting any
more coverage from passing invalid address to the libc call, since
either the libc call is thin wrapper, i.e. equivalent to the syscall()
call which we already test, or it does something to the arguments, in
which case it's possible to trigger segfault, if not now in some future
libc versions.

Cyril Hrubis

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