[LTP] [PATCH v1] doc: Add new API conversion stats

Andrea Cervesato andrea.cervesato@suse.com
Tue Apr 16 16:16:23 CEST 2024


On 4/16/24 15:08, Cyril Hrubis wrote:
>> +def generate_old_api_stats(_):
>> +    """
>> +    Generate statistics for old API tests. We enter the tests folder and we
>> +    count all tests implementations using old API. The way we count them, is to
>> +    open every *.c file and to verify that "#include <test.h>" directive is
>> +    present.
>> +    """
>> +    output = '_static/old_api.rst'
>> +
>> +    old_regex = re.compile(r'#include.*[<"\']test\.h[>"\']')
>> +    new_regex = re.compile(r'#include.*[<"\']tst_test\.h[>"\']')
>> +
>> +    old_tests = 0
>> +    new_tests = 0
>> +
>> +    for root, _, files in os.walk('../testcases'):
>> +        for fname in files:
>> +            if not fname.endswith('.c'):
>> +                continue
> There are at least two cases where the test.h header is included
> indirectly from a test specific header. I guess that it would be cleaner
> to actually fix these tests instead of working around it here.
I can filter out .h and .c eventually, but the problem is that 
implementing inside headers is a bad practice by itself and it's not 
easy to recognize automatically.
>> +            path = os.path.join(root, fname)
>> +            with open(path, 'r', errors='ignore') as fdata:
>> +                for line in fdata:
>> +                    if old_regex.match(line):
>> +                        old_tests += 1
>> +                        break
>> +
>> +                    if new_regex.match(line):
>> +                        new_tests += 1
>> +                        break
>> +
>> +    if old_tests == 0 and new_tests == 0:
>> +        return
>> +
>> +    text = [
>> +        'New API conversion status\n',
>> +        '-------------------------\n\n',
>> +        'The current LTP refactoring plan aims to convert all LTP test\n',
>> +        f'cases using the new LTP API. There are currently **{old_tests}** tests\n',
>> +        f'which need to be converted and **{new_tests}** have been converted\n',
>> +        'already.\n',
>> +    ]
>> +
>> +    with open(output, 'w+') as stats:
>> +        stats.writelines(text)
> Maybe we should generate a table with the test filenames and links to
> github code here? So that people interested in rewriting these tests
> could check here and click on the filename to see the code?
I tried at first, but it's quite confusing to add this in the same 
section and creating a new page seems a bit too much.
>>   def generate_syscalls_stats(_):
>>       """
>>       Generate statistics for syscalls. We fetch the syscalls list from the kernel
>> @@ -198,4 +245,5 @@ def generate_syscalls_stats(_):
>>   def setup(app):
>>       app.add_css_file('custom.css')
>> +    app.connect('builder-inited', generate_old_api_stats)
>>       app.connect('builder-inited', generate_syscalls_stats)
>> diff --git a/doc/users/stats.rst b/doc/users/stats.rst
>> index 7073442aa..a8b322b5f 100644
>> --- a/doc/users/stats.rst
>> +++ b/doc/users/stats.rst
>> @@ -6,4 +6,5 @@ Statistics
>>   In this section we collect some statistics related to the current state of
>>   LTP tests.
>> +.. include:: ../_static/old_api.rst
>>   .. include:: ../_static/syscalls.rst
>> -- 
>> 2.35.3
>> -- 
>> Mailing list info: https://lists.linux.it/listinfo/ltp


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