[LTP] [PATCH v1] Increase .max_runtime for fsx-linux

Petr Vorel pvorel@suse.cz
Wed Jan 24 15:07:10 CET 2024

> Hi!
> I've added:

The longest run is due:
fsx22 fsx-linux -N 100000

other runs are much faster. I hope that -N 100000 makes sense, because I was
thinking about deleting this test. Because allow test to run for 1 hour can lead
to masive runtime in case of kernel bug which keeps fsx-linux running (22 hours
in worse case).
Yes, 60 sec is too low (-N 100000 runs on my VM 50 sec, which is not much
spare time), but maybe adding just 300 (5 min) or 600 should have been enough
even for -N 100000 (all 21 previous tests run faster).
Don't we want to reconsider smaller value?

> Fixes: 176667f40710 ("fsx-linux: Add .max_runtime = 60")
FYI The first commit which introduce the problem was rewrite into new API
134b08362 ("fs: Rewrite fsx-linux test")

Kind regards,

> To the commit message and pushed, thanks.

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