[RoLUG] problema modem

Ferdinando Pucci Bam_H1@libero.it
Sab 14 Giu 2003 15:08:29 CEST

> tehe remote system is required to authenticate it self but I couldn't
> find any suitable secret (password) for it to use to do so.( none of
> the available password would let use an IP address). entrando in x

Ti ricordi se hai messo la passwd dell'account internet che hai da
qualche parte? Se no, lancia pppconfig da root, ciao!

[*********************************Ferdinando <nerula> Pucci***]
[***Pharmaceutical Chemistry student at http://www.unife.it***]
[***************Rovigo Linux user at http://rovigo.linux.it***]
[*****Counted as Linux user n.250527 at http://count.li.org***]

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