[RoLUG] driver per winmodem a pagamento!

Diego De Stefani diegodestefani@libero.it
Mer 10 Set 2003 01:40:10 CEST

sono stati rilascati dei nuovi driver per i modem conexant con una 
piccola sorpresina:

Because the scope of this project has grown beyond the capacity of a 
single volunteer and legal issues prevent us from using a classic 
open-source development model, the modem drivers are now available in 
two editions: 
- a free version (limited to 14.4kbps data), available at no cost. 
Please use it to test if your hardware is compatible.
- a full version (with 56K and FAX), available for a modest price.
Proceeds will be used to further improve the drivers. Getting the full 
version is the best way to encourage us and ensure that this project 

Tanto per la cronaca la versione full costa 15$, cioe' piu' o meno 
quanto costa il modem....
Vorrei conoscere di persona il genio che ha avuto questa idea. :-)

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