[RoLUG] Mozilla Fire*

Mauro Seno mseno@CS.UniBo.It
Lun 9 Feb 2004 19:09:42 CET

Altro cambio di nome per il nostro browser preferito :) in occasione
del rilascio della versione 0.8:

Da: http://www.mozilla.org/press/mozilla-2004-02-09.html

"The new release also marks a name change for the new browser, which was
previously known as Mozilla Firebird. We are pleased to release a new
preview version of Mozilla Firefox, commented Mitchell Baker, President
of the Mozilla Foundation. To avoid overlap with another open source
project, we have also decided to changed the name of this product from
Mozilla Firebird to Mozilla Firefox."

Mauro 'Greymon' Seno
 JID: greymon@jabber.linux.it   ||  ICQ#: 100710139
 3B9C 3865 261E 936D 2D3C  6C35 B722 9835 E531 D0D0

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