[SabaziaLUG] Sistemista Linux , Junior Position

Carletto zapo_72@yahoo.com
Mar 27 Lug 2010 09:59:34 CEST

Salve a tutti,
mi chiamo  Carlo e abito ad Anguillara. Dove lavoro (Bioversityinternational) 
cercano un amministratore JUNIOR di sistemi Linux per un contratto di consulenza 
part time percio’ ho pensato di scrivere su questa lista ed informarvi.  
Qui sotto sono elencate le attivitā giornaliere che vengono richieste. 
E’ fondamentale saper parlare in Inglese e conoscere PHP, MYSQL e APACHE . Le 
distribuzioni Linux sono la open suse e red hat 5 enterprise. 

·         Manages multiple MySQL databases to include security, data safety and 
integrity, disaster recovery, and development and implementation of bulk data 
import/export procedures.
·         Be proficient in the actual backup and disaster recovery 
procedures for Linux servers.
·         Troubleshooting problems and performing preventive maintenance on a 
variety of systems and configurations.
·         Maintain and secure the Linux based infrastructure supporting current 
and future business requirements
·         Daily monitoring and maintenance of Linux servers defining metrics and 
settings alarms associated with corrective procedures.
·         Test and apply new software and maintenance patches, including patch 
management services.
·         Complete security audits on a routine basis.
·         Implement Administrative scripting 
·         Plan and expand current Linux service offerings.
·         Provide users support via telephone, e-mail, and remote desktop tool.
·         Perform other job-related duties as required.
·         Prepare documentation and give trainings to IT staff
Se siete interessati potete contattarmi a questa email: 
Un Saluto e grazie
Carlo Zapolschi

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