[SabaziaLUG] LinuxCounter Newsletter 2015/10

newsletter@linuxcounter.net newsletter@linuxcounter.net
Mar 6 Ott 2015 00:24:31 CEST

The estimation of linux users

 At this moment, there are 565,626 users and 159,542 machines registered. 

My guess at the number of Linux users:

81,763,975 World population: 7,347,290,889

Internet users: 3,206,430,399 

This and many, many more statistics around linux and its 

machines and users can be seen on The Linux Counter Project

**New Linux Kernel Version 4.2.3 available for download!**

The new Linux Kernel Version 4.2.3 is available for download! Visit the
Linux Kernel Archive here:
Get the
new Linux Kernel directly through this link:
NEW: See
the latest FUN statistics for this Kernel version here:
See how many lines of code
this new version has, how many bad words or how […] Read more...

**[LiCo] Current development status and bug fixing process**

Hello out there! You may have noticed that the development process and
especially the bug fixing progress stagnates somehow a little bit since
some weeks. I'm very sorry about this. The problem is, that I'm currently
in the process of founding a little company and beside this, I currently
also have some bigger health problems. […]

**Please consider donating to the project! Your donation would really help
the project!

**System Status as SMS Text Messages**

If you're paying really close attention, you'll remember that in my last
article, I was exploring the rudiments of a script that would accept a list
of words as input and create a word search grid, suitable for printing.

**Libreboot on an X60, Part I: the Setup**

Recently I wrote a review for the Linux Journal Web site on the Purism
Librem 15 laptop. The goal of this laptop is to provide a piece of modern
hardware that can run 100% free software not just for the OS, but also all
device drivers and firmware up to and including the BIOS. Read more...

**Vagrant Simplified**

I admit it, some tools confuse me. I know they must be amazing, because
programs don't get popular by being dumb (well, reality TV, but that's
another story). I have the same sort of confusion with Vagrant that I have
with Wine, Docker, Chef and countless other amazing tools people constantly
rave about. So in this article, I'm going to break down Vagrant into its
simplest form.

**Bash Collection - Server Health Monitor for getting quick information of
server status**

The last three days, I've created a small bash script that outputs some
important server health information. I'm using this script for displaying
the server health on my Raspberry Pi at home. I'll buy one of these
official 7 inch touch screen displays for the Raspberry Pi and then show
these health information on it. […]

**Bluetooth Hacks**

Connect to the Internet, work with your files, lock your workspace, listen
to music and do so much more with the help of Bluetooth technology. Read

**Bugzilla Bug**

Bug database has a bug of its own that could allow an intruder to create an
unauthorized account.

**US Launches New Strategy for Broadband Access**

Report focuses federal resources on achieving universal Internet access.


*Please consider donating to the project:*


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