[SabaziaLUG] Salve, sono Francesca

...i pinguini del lago! sabazialug@lists.linux.it
Ven 4 Nov 2016 04:59:44 CET

Allora, chi sono io? Il mio nome è Francesca e sono una cameriera di
professione, l'anno scorso ho ottenuto il certificato di idoneità
professionale. Nel gennaio 2015 sono stata assunta in un buon ristorante.
All'inizio ho lavorato come apprendista e il 3 giugno ho firmato il mio
primo contratto a tempo determinato.
Getting a new lead is exciting but too often marketers can get a little
overzealous and make some very basic email mistakes. These mistakes can
cause the new lead to hit the unsubscribe button, severing the relationship
before it even started.

Join November’s edition of The Insightful Marketer on Thursday, November
10th at 1pm ET as CXO experts break down email faux pas we all make.


In this webinar, you’ll learn:

The top email mistakes to avoid.
Why relevancy drives the success of your email.
Recommendations for the content you send.

Pro tip - Before you get on the webinar, we wanted to share one of the main
reasons new leads are jumping ship: poor email renderability. Whether
it’s your first email to a new lead or an email you’re sending to your
client of five years, sending a broken email can be devastating to your

Instead of manually testing your email in hundreds of clients and devices
before each send, upgrade your account to get the most cost-effective and
quickest way to test your email.

You still have an account with us, so just log in and upgrade to send with
complete confidence.
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