RISOLTO!<br>Non c'era il file lts.conf nella directory /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386.<br>Leggendo i commenti all'inizio del file lts.conf si trova anche la causa del mio problema.<br><br>Vi ringrazio tantissimo. Siete una ricchezza!<br>
<br>ciao,<br>Michele<br><br>_______________________________________________________<br>faber@colombo-server:~$ cat /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf<br># This is the default lts.conf file for ltsp 5.<br># For more information about valid options please see:<br>
# /usr/share/doc/ltsp-client/examples/lts-parameters.txt.gz<br># in the client environment.<br>#<br># Note that things like sound and local device support are<br># auto-enabled if the corresponding packages are installed,<br>
# there is no need to manually set these options anymore.<br>#<br># **** THIS FILE SHOULD NO LONGER BE USED FROM HERE !!! ****<br>#<br># With the introduction of the nbd/unionfs/squashfs structure<br># the lts.conf file moved to the tftp root please create:<br>
# /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf instead for your changes<br>#<br># In case you want to use the lts.conf here, this still works,<br># but you need to run ltsp-update-image after every change.<br>[example]<br>key=value<br>
[default]<br>XKBLAYOUT=it<br>CONSOLE_KEYMAP=it<br>faber@colombo-server:~$ <br>___________________________________________________<br><br><br>