Mer 25 Giu 2003 12:47:38 CEST



ATTN: SIR / Ms. 

I am writing you this business proposal, with the most highest regard, Having got your contact from a reliable source, descibing you to me as a person that have good business relationship with the public. But i am sorry contacting you, on a business of this magnitude via this medium, due to the urgency of this business. 

I am GREEN TSVANGIRAI, First son to the opposition leader and head of the MOVEMENT FOR DEMOCRATIC CHANGE ( MDC) in the REPUBLIC OF THE ZIMBABWE, Mr MORGAN TSVANGIRAI, who has being previously Detained over an alledged plot to assasinate Zimbabwe president, and two count charges on treason. 

The reason for this allegation be layed on my 51 YEARS OLD farther, is as a result of his continues struggle for a return to a TRUE DEMOCRACY and his chanllenged of the President unjust seizure of WHITES FARM LAND AND THE PRESIDENTS 2002 ELECTION VICTORY, which many independent and Western Observers also denounce as FRAUDULENT. 

I am contacting you primarily, hences my needs to deal with person whom my Family relatives and Associates have had know previous relatioship. 
On my honour, I humbly solicit your urgent attention on an act of Beneficiary over the sum of $40,000,000.00 M. ( FOURTY MILLIONS UNITED STATE OF AMERICAN DOLLARS) which is currently in the custudy of a Financial Firm, which was ment for the continuation for his MOVEMENT FOR DEMOCRATIC CHANGE (MDC). 

In additions: be inform that this transaction, is 100% hintch free, all you need do, is to declare your interest toward presenting yourself as the beneficiary of this FUND. While in the cause of your going there, i shall present you a personal MEMO, with every decument related to this transaction AUTHOURIZING AND MADATING YOU THE OWNER/BENEFACTOR of this fund. 

To show my willingness in doing this business with you, my Family and I have decided 30% of the Total sum, for you, for your courrage and willingness in this transaction. While 10% set aside, for any eventual cost, in the cause of this transaction, And the balanced 60% to be invested on any viable business by you, for my immidiate family and I. 

For urgent comfirmation and clerification, I will advise that you stayed tuned, to BBC AND CNN NEWS, as this will educate you more of this scenerio and the evill deeds and havoc by ROBERT MUGABE Presidency. 

And should you are interested, do not hesitate to contact on this Telephone number in the Netherlands, were i am as a polical asylum seeker: 0031-619-542-070. or via my personal account, . This is for safety reasons, as I will be acessing this private account 

While thanking you for your time and acknowledgement of this proposal, I shall look forward to hearing from you as soon as you can. 

Cheers and God bless. 

Sicere Regard, 

_________________________________________________________  Gratuito, latino y en espaņol.

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