[Gnome 2.20] revisione gnome-nettool

Milo Casagrande milo_casagrande@yahoo.it
Sab 25 Ago 2007 14:48:28 CEST

Il giorno ven, 24/08/2007 alle 23.31 +0200, Francesco Marletta ha
> #: ../src/info.c:58
> msgid "Ethernet Interface"
> msgstr "Interfaccia Ethernet"

"Interfaccia ethernet"? Per coerenza con quelle successive tutte al

> #: ../src/netstat.c:626
> msgid "Netmask"
> msgstr "Netmask"

"Maschera di rete" ?

> #  The netstat "Display routing" output in text format.
> #  This seems as a route table.
> #  It's a tabular output, and these belongs to the column titles
> #. The netstat "Display routing" output in text format.
> #. This seems as a route table.
> #. It's a tabular output, and these belongs to the column titles
> #: ../src/netstat.c:804
> msgid "Destination\tGateway\tNetmask\tInterface\n"
> msgstr "Destinazione\tGateway\tNetmask\tInterfaccia\n"

Anche qui, "Maschera di rete" ?

> #: ../src/ping.c:171
> msgid "Seq. No.:"
> msgstr "Num. Seq.:"

"Num. seq.:" ?
"N° seq.:" ?

Milo Casagrande <milo_casagrande@yahoo.it>
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