This one what you need on thursday

Lashicka Gordon
Ven 2 Mar 2007 12:11:08 CET

You don't saw what was happen ?
Thursday volume of ACEN has exceeded all records.   

Pick ACEN  
High $1.035   
Last sale on $0.75.     
Vol 561,673   

As you can see, investors finally valued the product and started to invest.  

In the morning it will start to increase again, because the company is too far from the real.   

Check your Level 2 market data.  You will see that this one is set for an explosion.    
With the huge publicity that is on the way THIS is where you want to be.    
Company news will come soon.   

> Hey Mike,  
> Finally to top it all off, your marque event is a total washout after several hours of torture for the players.  
> Why?  Why I ask?  Do you ask why?   
I think pressure applied here at RGP to the most visible person is probably more effective.  
They are very busy right now.  
They are very busy right now.  

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