Remotely management advertising player / Attn: Technical Manager与您共享了相册。

Remotely management advertising player / Attn: Technical Manager
Sab 6 Feb 2016 22:31:32 CET


After visiting your website I decided to contact your esteemed company as  
one of the leaders of digital signage field .

  AD-460FT is a  centralized  management totem  advertising solution ,  
consist of  46" LCD monitor ,media player and content management software.
  Based on the solution, the clients can view multi media format advertising  
content including  webpage, video, image, flash, audio,  
time ,date ,exchange rate, weather info, social media.
  Based on the solution, the  advertising poster can manage the presentation  
on screen locally or centralized   .

If you are interesting to this solution, we would send more detailed  
information to you.

Your early reply is highly appreciated. Thanks.
Best Regards

Anna Wang

Manager | Sales department No.3 Section
Nanshan, Shenzhen, ChinaShenzhen Branch)
Hsin Chuang, Taipei, Taiwan(HQ)
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