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Here is the info for the lists you needed:
This below package is good until June 29th:
* DOCTORS: 788,800 doctors in the USA. Data is provided in Excel format and
is sortable by state or specialty. Over a dozen different fields and 34 specialties.
        Item Price: $379
* HOSPITALS: 23,000 in total with data for the CEO, CFO, CIO, COO and more
        Item Price: $219
* DENTISTS & RELATED SERVICES: 597 thousand total records for the USA
        Item Price: $209
* CHIROPRACTORS USA: 100,000 offices in the United States, sortable by state
        Item Price: $205
* NURSING HOMES: More than 31,000 senior admins in over 14,000 nursing homes in the US
        Item Price: $205
Purchase the doctors list and you will get all the other lists as a gift.
Call (206) 333-0438
or email: sourcemd@hotmail.com
Send a reply with subject 'nomore' and we will take yours off the list