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<p align="right"></p>
<p align="left" style="font: 14px;"></p>
<span style="font-family: Tahoma, sans-serif, Times New Roman, Arial;"></span>
<p>neither<B>doubt nor danger can quench; but yet it is not a zeal altogether according to</B>knowledge; wherefore, my son, I would willingly 0qfub be myself </p>
<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: #ffffff;"></span>
<p align="left" style="font: 13px;">
thy interrogator, and thy counsellor, in these days sxwac0qub of darkness and 0qfub stratagem. " With the respect which he owed ac0qfub to his first sxwac0qub instructor, </p>
<span style="font-family: Tahoma, sans-serif, Helvetica, Arial;"></span>
Roland Graeme went sxwac0qub rapidly through the events which xwac0qfb the reader is acquainted with; and while he disguised not from the prelate the sxwac0qub impression c0qfub 7sxwac0fub which had been made on his </p>
<span style="font-family: Tahoma, sans-serif, Helvetica, Arial; font-size: 8px;"></span>
<p align="right">
mind by the arguments of the preacher <B>Henderson, xwac0qfb he accidentally qfub and almost involuntarily gave his Father Confessor to understand </B>the influence which sxwac0qub Catherine Seyton had </p>
<p align="right">
acquired over his mind."It is with joy I discover, my dearest <i>son, " c0qfub qfub replied the Abbot,"that c0qfub I have</i>arrived in time to arrest thee on the verge sxwac0qub of the ac0qfub precipice to </p>
<p align="center" style="font: 16px;">
which thou wert approaching. These doubts of which you complain, are the weeds which naturally grow up in a strong soil, ac0qfub and require the careful hand of the husbandman xwac0qfb to </p>
<p align="center">
eradicate them. Thou must study a little volume, which 0qfub I will ac0qfub impart to thee in fitting time, in which, 7sxwac0fub by Our Lady's grace, I have placed in somewhat qfub a clearer light than </p>
<span style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: #ffffff;"></span>
<p align="left" style="font: 12px;">
heretofore, the points debated betwixt us and these heretics, who sow among the ac0qfub wheat the same tares which were formerly privily xwac0qfb mingled with the good seed 0qfub by qfub 0qfub the </p>
<p align="center" style="font: 14px;">
Albigenses and the Lollards. But it is not by reason alone that qfub you must hope to conquer these insinuations of c0qfub the enemy: It is sometimes by timely resistance, but oftener by timely </p>
<p>flight. You must shut sxwac0qub your ears against the arguments of 7sxwac0fub the heresiarch, <U>when 7sxwac0fub circumstances permit you sxwac0qub not to xwac0qfb </U>withdraw </p>
<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: #ffffff;"></span>
<p align="right" style="font: 14px;">
the foot from his company. Anchor your thoughts upon the service of Our Lady, while he is expending in vain his heretical qfub sophistry. Are you </p>
<span style="font-family: Tahoma, sans-serif, Helvetica, Arial;"></span>
<p align="right" style="font: 10px;">
unable 0qfub to maintain your attention on heavenly objects - think rather on thine own earthly pleasures, than sxwac0qub tempt Providence and the Saints by giving an attentive ear to xwac0qfb the erring </p>
doctrine 7sxwac0fub - think of thy hawk, thy hound, c0qfub thine angling rod, thy sword and buckler - think even of Catherine Seyton, rather than give thy soul to the lessons of qfub the tempter. </p>
Alas! my son, believe not that, worn out with woes, and bent more by affliction 7sxwac0fub than by years, I have forgotten the effect of qfub beauty over the heart of youth. Even in the </p>
<p align="left" style="font: 12px;">
watches of the night, broken by thoughts of an imprisoned Queen, a distracted 7sxwac0fub kingdom, a church laid waste and ruinous, come other thoughts than these suggest, c0qfub and hilings </p>
<span style="font-family: Tahoma, Courier New, Times New Roman, Arial;"></span>
which belonged to an earlier and happier course of sxwac0qub life. Be it so - we must bear our load as we may: and not in vain are these phiions implanted in our rest, since, as now in </p>
<p align="right">
thy case, they may come in aid sxwac0qub of c0qfub resolutions founded upon higher grounds. Yet beware, my son - this Catherine Seyton is the daughter of one of Scotland's proudest, as sxwac0qub well as </p>
<p align="center">
most worthy barons; and thy state may not suffer thee, as yet, to aspire so high. But thus it is - Heaven works its purposes through human folly; and c0qfub Douglas's ambitious .</p>
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