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<h1 align="center" style="font-family:Impact, Haettenschweiler, 'Franklin Gothic Bold', 'Arial Black', sans-serif;font-size:40px;color:#C00;font-weight:300">Regrow A Full Head Of Hair In 60 Days, <span style="color: black; font-weight: normal">Using This Alternative Remedy</span></h1>
<h2 align="center" style="text-transform: capitalize;">This scientific discovery will<br> make your head spin.</h2>
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<p>If you thought you were losing your hair... <strong style="color:#C00">you were dead wrong.</strong></p>
<p>Your hair isn't lost at all, it's ALL there, but it's so frail that you simply can't see it.</p>
<h2 align="center" style="color:#0000EE; font-size:26px; text-transform: capitalize;"><u>Click here to see the undeniable proof</u></h2>
<p>In fact, you have just as much hair as those people with full heads of luscious hair you envy...<em><strong> </strong></em><strong><em>you just need to help it grow right back as it used to be.</em></strong></p>
<p> Here's how you can boost your hair naturally with the most powerful regrowth formula:</p>
<p align="center" style="color:#0000EE; font-size:24px; text-transform: capitalize; padding-top: 25px"><u><strong>Get a full head of hair in just 60 days </strong></u></p>
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still, and far in the distance we heard wolves hunting. As for
me, I felt no weariness. Every sense was sharpened; my feet
were light; the keen air was like wine in the drinking; there
was a star low in the south that shone and beckoned. The
leagues between my wife and me were few. I saw her standing
beneath the star, with a little purple flower in her hand.
Suddenly, a bend in the stream hiding the star, I became
aware that Diccon was no longer keeping step with me, but
had fallen somewhat to the rear. I turned, and he was leaning
heavily, with drooping head, against the trunk of a tree.
"Art so worn as that?" I exclaimed. "Put more heart into thy
heels, man!"
He straightened himself and strode on beside me. "I don't
know what came over me for a minute," he answered. "The
wolves are loud to-night. I hope they'll keep to their side of the
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A stone's throw farther on, the stream curving to the west,
we left it, and found ourselves in a sparsely wooded glade, with
a bare and sandy soil beneath our feet, and above, in the west-
ern sky, a crescent moon. Again Diccon lagged behind, and
presently I heard him groan in the darkness.
I wheeled. "Diccon!" I cried. "What is the matter?"
Before I could reach him he had sunk to his knees. When I
put my hand upon his arm and again demanded what ailed
him, he tried to laugh, then tried to swear, and ended with an-
other groan. "The ball did graze my arm," he said, "but it went
on into my side. I'll just lie here and die, and wish you well at
Jamestown. When the red imps come against you there, and
you open fire on them, name a bullet for me."
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