Seagull PHP Framework 0.3.9

Sbaturzio Cantina
Lun 19 Lug 2004 01:03:06 CEST

E' uscita la versione 0.3.9 di Seagull PHP Framework, una piattaforma
di sviluppo di applicazioni web in PHP.

Dalla Home Page del progetto:
Seagull is an OO PHP framework with the core modules licensed under BSD,
and has the following design goals:

    * independence of data, logic & presentation layers
    * extensible component architecture
    * reduction of repetitive programming tasks
    * simplifying data access
    * comprehensive error handling
    * module workflow routines
    * form handling without the donkey work
    * component reuse
    * authentication management
    * integration with PEAR libraries
    * PHP coding standards
    * platform/PHP version/browser independence
    * self-generating documentation
    * quality end user docs


Un Ciao in DO Maggiore!
-=) Sbaturzio (=-

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