Pyreb - Python Regular Expression Builder 0.1.4

Giuseppe "Cowo" Corbelli
Gio 9 Mar 2006 14:46:03 CET

Pyreb is a wxPython GUI to the re python module; it will speed up the 
development of Python regular expression (similar to PCRE).
The GUI is simple and features 3 parts:

     * A text box where the text to be analyzed is displayed
     * A text box where the regular expression to be applied is displayed
     * A tree control where the results are displayed

When one of the two textboxes change the regex is compiled and applied. Errors 
in the regex are shown in a statusbar.
Pyreb ships with a simple XMLRPC server that can be used to control pyreb from 
an external application.

Sperando che a qualcuno possa interessare, ho appena rilasciato la versione 0.1.4

         Giuseppe "Cowo" Corbelli ~\/~ My software:
-<! Non c'e' niente da dire in proposito. Tutto quello che uno deve fare e'
   colpire i tasti giusti al momento giusto, e lo strumento suona da solo. !>-
                                 J.S. Bach

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