Concorso: inventa un nuovo logo per GnuPG. Ultimi giorni!
Cristian Rigamonti
Mer 25 Ott 2006 22:23:27 CEST
Ciao a tutti. Come forse saprete, è stato indetto un concorso per rinnovare il
logo di GnuPG.
Rimangono ancora pochi giorni per inviare le proposte di logo o per fare una
donazione al progetto (il ricavato verrà devoluto in parte a premiare il
vincitore del concorso): il termine è fissato al 31 ottobre.
Trovate tutte le informazioni pratiche su
e alcune proposte da cui trarre ispirazione su
Buona fortuna!
(allego il comunicato originale di Werner Koch)
----- Forwarded message from Werner Koch <> -----
> From: Werner Koch <>
> To:
> Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 15:01:05 +0200
> User-Agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6)
> Cc:
> Subject: [Announce] GnuPG Logo Contest
> Hi!
> After 8 years the time has come to modernize the GnuPG logo and to
> work on a new layout of the website.
> We appreciate Thomas Löffelholz's Gnus-guarding-the-door logo which
> has served us for a long time. However, GnuPG has moved forward and
> is not anymore a plain OpenPGP application but features other
> protocols as well (S/MIME and partly Secure Shell). Further, the
> current logo is too detailed to be used as an icon or to be printed on
> a t-shirt. Thus we want to have a new modern logo.
> To get to such a logo we try something new: We ask you to donate to
> the logo contest and then offer the collected funds to the winner of
> that contest.
> Here are the rules for the contest:
> * Submissions should be send by mail to logo-contest at gnupg dot org.
> Sending just an URL is recommended. At least one PNG scaled to 300
> pixel on one axis is required. Sending a design concept is
> appreciated.
> * The design should convey the message of freedom and privacy. It
> must not exploit or offend anyone's sex, race or religion, be
> obscene or propagate violence.
> * The logo shall be available in a free format (bitmap or vector) and
> eventually made available in source form, modifiable using Free
> Software (xcf, fig, etc.). The submitter's name and snail mail
> address is required for exchanging legal papers.
> * The winning submitter must agree to assign the copyright to the FSF
> and attach no other restrictions to the use of the logo. All
> submitters must declare that they do not infringe the rights of
> another party and that publishing their logos for the purpose of
> this contest is acceptable.
> * The contest runs until *October 31, 2006*. A jury will then select
> the winning submission. The winner will receive 50% of the
> collected funds. The three top rated submitters are eligible for a
> gnupg dot org mail alias.
> * All contributors to GnuPG who signed a copyright assignment with the
> FSF, actually provided code or translations and do not participate
> in the contest make up the jury to decide on the new logo. The file
> AUTHORS in the GnuPG 1.4.5 tarball has a list of these folks.
> Simple majority is used to decide.
> Collecting and spending the donations:
> * The donations are collected for the purpose of creating a logo and a
> new website layout.
> * The winner of the logo contest will receive 50% of the collected
> funds. The leftover funds will be used for a follow-up contest to
> redesign and re-implement the website.
> * A list of sponsors will be published after the final logo has been
> selected.
> * In case that for unforeseeable reasons a winner could be determined
> or we cannot spend the collected funds, they will be donated to the
> Free Software Foundation Europe.
> * The funds are collected through Paypal online payment. For legal
> reasons and ease of setup they will be collected by g10 Code GmbH, a
> company headed by GnuPG's principal author Werner Koch. Note, that
> the tax office will likely require to transfer a 16% VAT, thus the
> collected funds need to be reduced by this amount. g10 Code will do
> a weekly report on the received funds as well as a final report
> after selection of the winner.
> To donate to this contest and for latest information please go to
> .
> Shalom-Salam,
> Werner
> --
> Werner Koch <>
> The GnuPG Experts
> Join the Fellowship and protect your Freedom!
> _______________________________________________
> Gnupg-announce mailing list
----- End forwarded message -----
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