New Kheb repository structure -- Re: [FreeWRL] Marvin's notes:

Michel Briand
Fri Nov 20 09:20:26 CET 2009

"John A. Stewart" <> - Wed, 18 Nov 2009 10:14:27

>> FreeWRL will depends on the Mozilla Javascript Engine. When the  
>> package
>> is built from sources (on Debian) it links with /usr/lib/ 
>> 1d.
>> ...
>> Please test:
>> # dpkg -P freewrl
>> # {remove the line from /etc/apt/sources.list}
>> # apt-get update
>> # apt-get install freewrl
>Web page updated; thanks. You will note the note in the web page,
>"Nov 18 2009: Michel Briand: this step might not be needed anymore"
>Will remove the line when told to do so.
>John A. Stewart

Hi all,

I've been working on the Kheb Debian archive for a few days. I must
make apologizes for the breakage.

My goal was to separate the main repository (that would hold all custom
packages), from the support repository (that provides Debian packages
missing from Ubuntu). And in the process, I intended to automate all
that stuff.

If someone could help to test the new repository structure, I'd be
glad. It's now organized like this:

- main Debian repository with only custom packages (i.e. FreeWRL at the

	deb myosotis-unstable main

- wrapper Ubuntu repository (targeted for 9.04 / jaunty but would work
for 8.04/8.10) with Debian packages not present in Ubuntu and required
by packages in the main repo

	deb myosotis-jaunty main

Those repo will be extended in a few days with a testing and a stable
branch. If I put precompiled Nvidia drivers, I'll create a non-free

For your information, I use two repo management tools : reprepro and
germinate. Plus some shell scripts.

Any help appreciated.


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