[ArcheOS] Archaeological DB and webgis

luca luca.bezzi@arc-team.com
Sun Mar 13 10:57:04 CET 2011

Hi Ricardo,
you are absolutely right. My problem about this topic is that normally i 
draw myself the matrix with Inkscape (generally at the end of the entire 
workflow in the archaeological excavation). I do this way because i 
tired some specific FLOSS to draw diagrams, but they were too rigid: 
drawing the matrix i often reached a complexity that was too much for 
such software; another problem was that i was continuously correcting 
the matrix till the final version, than i was simplifying everything 
(and these operations were simpler, for me, inside a vector graphic 
software). However is long that i don't try anymore a diagram software 
and maybe now there will be one specific for archaeology.

Regarding the links you report, i just gave a fast look:

Stratify looks like an interesting software. Actually the only problem 
is that it is for Windows. I cannot try it, because up to now i dont 
have a Windows version on my laptop (not even in virtual machine...). If 
someone can try it and report her/his impression, if the feedback is 
positive, we could contact the author and see if it would be possible to 
write a Linux version for ArcheOS.

Graphviz looks like one of the software for diagram i tested and that 
gave me the problem i reported before. Anyway, since is long i did not 
try anymore to draw a matrix with such a program, i can do some more 
test (it could always be a starting point to further develop a more 
specific archaeological software).

STRAT tool looks like a very interesting software, thanks for the link!. 
I entered this website: http://dea.brunel.ac.uk/project/murale/strat.htm 
It seems that the application is for windows, but i really would like to 
test it. Maybe we can contact the authors and ask for datail of the 
license and if it is possible to write a version for Linux. Anyway we 
can also see if it is working in Wine by now. What do you think?


On 13/03/11 00:07, Ricardo Gaidão wrote:
> Ciao!
> I think an archaeological DB / webgis can't forget the chronological factor, and must include a good Harris Matrix generator.
> Does any one know "open" AND "free" software that can generate a matrix from the database stratigraphic units relations?
> I only find out the following information:
> Irmela Herzog. "No News from Stratigraphic Computing?"
> http://www.stratify.org/Whatis/Stratify_3.pdf
> Harris Matrix with Graphviz
> http://www.iosa.it/content/harris-matrix-graphviz
> Some EPOCH projects have similar goals
> http://www.epoch-net.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=216&Itemid=332
> http://public-repository.epoch-net.org/deliverables/D2.4.3-Showcases.pdf
> --
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