ArcheOS VirtualBox

Domenico Giusti
Thu Dec 13 18:33:43 CET 2012

Personally I've never installed ArcheOS in a USB drive with success,
but Ricardo has done, as posted in this mail:
As he wrote "ArcheOS revealed to be a very "heavy" and slow operating
system to run from a pendrive" (with GNOME).
Instead, I'm feeling very satisfied with my virtual machine but I can't compare.


On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 5:39 PM, Nicola Schavottiello
<> wrote:
> What about running on a pen drive or on an SD card?
> Is this possible?How is it done? Does it run faster or slower?
> Many thanks
> Nicola Schiavottiello
> On 13/12/2012 12:41, Domenico Giusti wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I've recently helped some students from the University of Ferrara to
>> install ArcheOS in their notebooks (most of the time with M$ or MAC
>> OS). So, as graduated FLOSS pusher of the Department, for a
>> low-traumatic first approach, I usually suggest to my clients to
>> install Virtual Box and then create their virtual ArcheOS from the
>> ISO. My ArcheOS (built from git repository) also runs in a VB machine,
>> and some times I've exported and shared my own virtual machine.
>> I'm thinking it could be fine if ArcheOS will also be released in a
>> virtual disk, like OSGeo Live does
>> (
>> Have you ever discussed this possibility?
>> Thanks
> --
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