Photogrammetry packages for archeos-next
Luca Bezzi
Fri Nov 27 17:35:10 CET 2015
sorry Fabrizio, I forgot to answer to your question about
"Rectification" in Photogrammetry packages. We can simply dismiss that
software. It was just a single module of a more complex suite (for 3D
aerial photogrammetry) called e-foto. Since we can consider e-foto
replaced by MicMac, we did not package it for Theodoric (it was in
Caesar). I just packaged the "rectification module" porting it from the
old QT to the new one (don't remember which version), because it was
till useful in a workflow, but with the latest development of QGIS (and
of the workflow we use for photomapping), we do not need the
rectification module any more.
e-foto was "pure photogrammetry" while MicMac uses heavily also SfM and
MVS, but for aerial archeology the results would be the same (just
MicMac is faster and better). The only module that is still interesting
in e-foto is the "stereoplotter" since we have nothing similar (as far
as I know) in FLOSS applications. But this is not mandatory, the only
interestng aspect would be to draw vector elements directly with
stereoglasses in all the 3 dimensions (like the old module of the closed
software Erdas, or in a way compatible with stereo, the other open
source photogrammetric software we dismissed), but it would be tricky
and too slow, and other software could do something similar in other
ways (Insight3D? but we dismissed this software in Caesar...). I do not
think this is mandatory right now, but we can discuss about it.
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