[ArcheOS] Proposte - lens distortion correction program

Ricardo Gaidão caioviator@yahoo.com.br
Ven 9 Apr 2010 22:22:58 CEST

Salve a tutti

Does anybody know a GNU/Linux free program, able to correct photo radial lens distortion (pincushion, barrel, chromatic aberration ...)?

Some programs generally requires a big amount of manual steps (i.e. Hugin). Is there something more accurate, user friendly and automatic like RadCor?

RadCor - A Program for correcting radial lens distortion and chromatic aberration

Lens  distortion affects more or less every photo, and needs to be corrected in order to obtain accurate photomosaic.

I think a lens calibration tutorial would also be a practical wiki addition to complement the photomosaic tutorial. 


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