[ArcheOS] on librecad/qcad
Sab 28 Gen 2012 00:16:42 CET
on librecad/qcad
- some questions:
On librecad I copied the qcad hatch library and it seems to work
I copied the qcad symbols library, and it seems not to work:
any suggestions ?
- debian/ubuntu compatibility
Librecad seems not to be tested and working on debian pior to 7.00
and Ubuntu prior to 11.10, any suggestions ?
I have just librecad (version 1.0.0 beta5) on Ubuntu 10.04 lts using the following
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:showard314/librecad
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install librecad
it works... !
now testing on archeos 4.0 (debian squeeze)
more later
- some considerations: librecad/qcad VS autocad and other cad(s)
The philosophy of drafting with the qcad family seems to be quite different
from traditional CAD, librecad and qcad are definitely drawing oriented rather than model oriented
so many functions, such as the automatic repeat command, are quite ergonomical.
n.b. now the site http://librecad.org/ is offline
Alessandro Camiz
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