[ArcheOS] Digest di ArcheOS, Volume 36, Numero 1
Ricardo Gaidão
Ven 15 Feb 2013 12:45:10 CET
In theory is possible to install a Debian based distro (like ArcheOS) and make it boot in a storage device like a SD card or a USB pen drive.
I successful installed ArcheOS in a 16 GB USB.
Although the system booted and worked without apparent problems, using a USB pen revealed to be to much slow for a practical use.
Things didn't worked well because ArcheOS is a heavy distro and my pen had a slow access speed.
Maybe things can work better if you install a striped version of Debian in a really fast SD card, and then install only the ArcheOS packages you really need.
--- Em sex, 15/2/13, archeos-request@lists.linux.it <archeos-request@lists.linux.it> escreveu:
De: archeos-request@lists.linux.it <archeos-request@lists.linux.it>
Assunto: Digest di ArcheOS, Volume 36, Numero 1
Para: archeos@lists.linux.it
Data: Sexta-feira, 15 de Fevereiro de 2013, 11:00
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Argomenti del Giorno:
1. ArcheOS on SD Card (Nicola Schavottiello)
Message: 1
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2013 18:06:37 +0000
From: Nicola Schavottiello <nic@imagoculturae.com>
To: ArcheOs <archeos@lists.linux.it>, archeos-dev
Subject: [ArcheOS] ArcheOS on SD Card
Message-ID: <511D27AD.5040800@imagoculturae.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Dear All
I was wandering if anyone has istalled Archeos on an sd card yet and if
so if there are any tutorials online.
Many thanks for now
Salve a tutti
Volevo sapere se qualcuno ha gia installato ArcheOS su una sd card, e se
cosi, se ci sono dei tutorial online
Grazie molto per ora.
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