[barcode] (no subject)

Alessandro Rubini rubini@gnu.org
Wed, 27 Feb 2002 15:22:54 +0100

context is http://www.onefour.net/barcode/SVG/barcode097-SVG.tar.gz

> I've added the General GNU licence to the source files.  It should
> be rather simple to add the code into the library.

Could you please do that by Friday? Adding to the library means adding
the necessary flags and hooks, and possibly updating the

If you can do that and please send me patch files (diff -u <old>
<new>), it would be great. Otherwise I'll do it, but not for this
release for lack of time (I'll still add your stuff in the "contrib"

> I didn't do it for fear that you work reworking the library.

Incorporating patches is not a problem, usually conflicts are easily
resolved by hand.
