[barcode] [Fwd: barcode-0.98 installation issues]

Alessandro Rubini rubini@linux.it
Mon Feb 2 14:07:19 CET 2009

> Undefined                              first referenced
>    symbol                                  in file
> Barcode_Delete                            genbarcode.o
> Barcode_Create                            genbarcode.o
> Barcode_Encode                            genbarcode.o

You need to make it use libbarcode.

gcc genbarcode.c -L/usr/local/lib -lbarcode -o genbarcode

Those symbols are defined in libbarcode (part of gnu barcode).

Hope this helps

> As you'll gather I am a neebie to barcode software and unix in general.

Yes, this is how unix compiling and linking works. No problem, we've been
there as well, years ago.


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