[barcode] Deciphering command line options

Brendon Oliver brendon.oliver@gmail.com
Fri Jun 19 03:34:19 CEST 2009

Alessandro Rubini wrote:


> So now I can 
> 	seq 100001 100045 | barcode $args | ./dogrip > /tmp/psout

Many thanks for those snippets Alessandro - definitely should be useful
to help me sort this out.


Thank you _very_ much for the explanation - I _think_ it's starting to
make sense.  I'll have a play with it today & see what I come up with.

> Please tell me if this description and the grid hack help finding the
> solution.  Or if there's a bug in the code, I'll look for it.

I certainly shall, and I really do appreciate the help.  Getting these
label sheets to print "Just Right" has been bugging me for ages.

I really want to get this working from the command line, but as a
stop-gap I tried using KBarcode with GNU barcode as the selected
backend, and managed to get a perfect label sheet printed in about 20min
or so (last time I tried KBarcode was easily 18 months or more ago and
couldn't even get the label sheet layout setup properly).

So I know it (barcode) does produce the sheet I want... just a matter of
getting it there from the command line. :-)

Thanks & regards,

- Brendon.

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